Liste de jeux PSOne téléchargeables
(Redirigé depuis Liste de jeux PlayStation téléchargeables)
La liste de jeux PSOne téléchargeables répertorie les jeux au format PlayStation (PSone) réédités en téléchargement sur le PlayStation Network à destination des consoles PlayStation 3 et PlayStation Portable, toutes régions confondues[1],[2].
- A Ressha de Ikō V
- A.IV: Evolution Global
- Acid
- Addie no Okurimono: To Maze from Addie
- Advanced Variable Geo
- The Adventure of Little Ralph
- The Adventures of Robin Lloyd
- AI Mahjong Selection
- AI Shōgi Selection
- Angel Eyes: Tōkidenshō
- Ape Escape
- Aquanaut no Kyūjitsu: Memories of Summer 1996
- Aquanaut no Kyūjitsu 2
- Arc the Lad
- Arc the Lad II[3]
- Arc the Lad III
- Alundra
- Arkanoid Returns
- Armored Core
- Armored Core: Project Phantasma
- Armored Core: Master of Arena
- Assault Suits Valken 2
- Astronoka
- Atelier Elie: The Alchemist of Salburg 2
- Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg Plus
- Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life
- Athena no Kateiban: Family Games
- Azito
- Backstreet Billiards
- Baroque
- Baroque Syndrome
- Bealphareth
- Bishi Bashi Special
- Black/Matrix Cross
- Block Kuzushi
- Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
- Bloody Roar
- Blue Breaker
- Blue Breaker Burst: Bishō o Anata to
- Blue Breaker Burst 2
- BLUE: Legend of Water
- Bomberman
- Bomberman Land
- Boxer's Road
- Bowling
- Brahma Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9
- Brave Fencer Mushashiden - J
- Brigandine: Grand Edition
- Building Crush!
- Bushido Blade
- Bushido Blade 2
- Carnage Heart EZ[3]
- Castlevania Chronicles
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Catch! Kimochi Sensation
- Championship Bass
- Chaos Heat
- Cheating Mahjong
- Chiki Chiki Chicken
- Chō Aniki: Kyūkyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyō Otoko
- Chocobo Stallion
- Chrono Cross
- Circadia
- Command and Conquer
- Command and Conquer : Alerte rouge
- Command and Conquer : Alerte rouge Missions Tesla
- Cool Boarders
- Cool Boarders 2
- Cool Boarders 3
- Constructor
- The Conveni!
- The Conveni 2
- Cotton Original
- Crash Bandicoot
- Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
- Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
- Crash Bash
- Crash Team Racing
- Creatures 3: Raised in Space
- Crime Crackers
- Crime Crackers 2
- Culdcept Expansion Plus
- Dead in the Water
- Dead or Alive
- Deception III: Dark Delusion
- Dekiru! Game Center
- Dezaemon Kids!
- Dezaemon Plus
- Destruction Derby
- Dice de Chocobo
- Dig-a-Dig Pukka
- Digimon World
- Dino Crisis
- Disney's Action Game Featuring Hercules
- Docchimo MechaMecha Docchi Mecha!
- Driver
- The Drugstore
- Echo Night
- Echo Night 2
- Einhänder
- Ehrgeiz
- Everybody's Golf 2
- Extreme Pinball
- Fade to Black
- The FamiRes: Shijō Saikyō no Menu
- Farland Story: Yottsu no Fūin
- Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
- Fighters' Impact
- Fighting Force
- Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy V
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Fire ProWrestling G
- Fishing Club: Boat no Tsuri Hen
- Fishing Club: Bōhatei no Tsuri Hen
- Fishing Club: Hama no Tsuri Hen
- Fluid
- Ford Racing
- Formation Soccer '98
- Frisky Tom
- Front Mission Alternative
- Front Mission 1st
- Front Mission 2
- Front Mission 3
- Fushigi Deka
- Future Cop L.A.P.D.
- G-Police
- Gaiaseed
- Gakkō de Atta Kowai Hanashi S
- Gakkō o Tsukurō !! Kōchō Sensei Monogatari
- Galaxy Fight
- Ganbare Goemon: Uchū Kaizoku Akogingu
- Gekioh: Shooting King
- Gensō no Artemis: Actress School Mystery Adventure
- Gex contre Dr. Rez
- Global Force
- Gochachiru
- Gourmet Action Game: Manpuku!! Nabe Kazoku
- Grandia
- Grille Logic
- Guardian's Crusade
- Guilty Gear
- Hanafuda Graffiti: Koi Monogatari
- Hana to Ryū
- Hardcore 4X4
- Hard Edge
- Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
- Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for Girls
- Hercule
- Hi-Octane
- Honkaku Mahjong Tetsuman Special
- Hyper Crazy Climber
- Ide Yōsuke no Mahjong Kyōshitsu
- Ikasama Mahjong
- International Track and Field
- James Pond 2: Codename RoboCod
- Jet Rider
- Jet Rider 2
- Jetpack Joyride
- Jigsaw World
- Jiisan 2 Tabikkuri
- Judge Dredd
- Jumping Flash!
- Jumping Flash! 2
- Kagero: Kokumeikan Shinsho
- Kaisoku Tenshi: The Rapid Angel
- Kakuge-Yaro: Fighting Game Creator
- Kawa no Nushi Tsuri: Hikyō o Motomete
- The King of Fighters '95
- The King of Fighters '96
- The King of Fighters '97
- The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
- The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle
- The King of Fighters Kyō
- King's Field[4]
- King's Field II[4]
- King's Field III[4]
- Kokumeikan
- Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 1
- Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 2
- Kula World
- Kuroi Hitomi no Noir: Cielgris Fantasm
- Kurushi
- Kurushi Final: Mental Blocks
- Kyuin
- La Petite Sirène 2
- Landmaker
- Langrisser IV[5]
- Langrisser V[5]
- The Last Blade
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
- Legend of the River King
- Let's make a School!!
- Let's make a School !! 2
- Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise
- Linda ³ Again
- Little Princess: Marl Ōkoku no Ningyō Hime 2
- Logic Mahjong Soryu
- Lord Monarch: The Chronicle of New Gaia
- Love Game's: WaiWai Tennis Plus
- Lucifer Ring
- Lunar Wing
- Lunatic Dawn III
- Lunatic Dawn Odyssey
- LittleBigPlanet
- Magic Carpet
- Magical Date: Dokidoki Kokuhaku Daisakusen
- Magical Dice Kids
- Magical Drop
- Magical Drop III
- Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia
- Medal of Honor
- Medal of Honor : Résistance
- MediEvil
- Mega Man
- Mega Man 2
- Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 1
- Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 2
- Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 3
- Meru Purana
- Metal Gear Solid
- Metal Slug
- Metal Slug X
- Michinoku Hitō Koimonogatari Kai
- Mikagura Shōjo Tanteidan
- Mobile Light Force
- Money Puzzle Exchanger
- Monster Farm Jump
- Monstres et Cie : L'Île de l'épouvante
- Moon Cresta
- Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
- Motorhead
- Motteke Tamago with Ganbare ! Kamonohasi
- Mr. Driller
- My Hot Cooking
- N2O
- Nectaris: Military Madness
- Nekozamurai
- Neo Atlas
- Neo Atlas II
- Nobunaga Hiroku: Ge-Ten no Yume
- Noël: Not Digital
- Noir Yeux Noire: Cielgris Fantasm
- Nuclear Strike
- Oasis Road
- Oddworld : l'Exode d'Abe
- Oddworld : l'Odyssée d'Abe
- Oni Rei: Fukkatsu
- Ore no Ryōri
- Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke
- Over My Remain
- Pandemonium!
- Panekit
- Pet in TV
- Peter Pan : Aventures au Pays Imaginaire
- Philosoma
- PMS Vol. 1 Dragon Knights Glorious
- PMS Vol. 2 Shisha no Yobu Tachi
- Policenauts
- Pop'n Pop
- PoPoLoCrois
- PoPoLoCroiS II
- PoPoRoGue
- Populous : À l'aube de la création
- Poy Poy
- Prismaticallization
- Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus
- Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus II
- Pro Mahjong Kiwame Tengensen Hen
- Professional Japanese Mahjong League Doujō Yaburi 2
- Project GaiaRay
- Pukunpa
- Puzzle Bobble 2
- Puzzle Bobble 3 DX
- Puzzle Mania
- Puzzle Mania 2
- Raiden[6]
- Raiden II[6]
- Rapid Racer
- Rapid Reload
- Rayman
- Rayman 2
- RayCrisis
- RayStorm
- RayTracers
- Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
- Rakugaki Showtime
- Rally Cross
- RayBlade
- Real Bout Fatal Fury
- Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind
- Reel Fishing
- Resident Evil: Director's Cut
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
- Robbit Mon Dieu
- Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
- R-Type [7]
- R-Type II[7]
- R-Type Delta
- SaGa Frontier
- SaGa Frontier 2
- Saikyō Tōdai Shogi
- Samurai Shodown[8]
- Samurai Shodown II[8]
- Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood
- Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge Special
- Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage
- Sanvein
- Sanyo Pachinko Paradise
- Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 2
- Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 3
- Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 4
- Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 5
- Sanyo Pachinko Paradise DX
- Septentrion
- Shadow Tower
- Shanghai Dynasty
- Sheep
- Shienryū
- Side Pocket 3
- Silent Bomber
- Silent Hill
- SimCity 2000
- Sno-Cross Championship Racing
- Sōkaigi
- Sōmatō
- Sonic Wings Special
- Sōryu: Logical Mahjong
- Soviet Strike
- Spec Ops: Airborne Commando
- Spec Ops: Covert Assault
- Spectral Force
- Spectral Force 2
- Spectral Tower
- Spectral Tower II
- Spyro the Dragon
- Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer
- Spyro: Year of the Dragon
- SSX on Tour
- Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
- Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Street Skater
- Street Skater 2
- Suikoden
- Suikoden II
- Suna no Embrace: Eden no Sato no Never
- Syndicate Wars
- Syphon Filter
- Syphon Filter 3
- Tail of the Sun
- Tall Infinity
- Tall Twins Tower
- Tantei Jingūji Saburō: Early Collection
- Tantei Jingūji Saburō: Mikan no Rupo
- Tantei Jingūji Saburō: Yume no Owarini
- Tecmo Stackers
- Tehodoki Mahjong Nyuumon Hen
- Tekken 2
- Ten Pin Alley
- Tenshi Dōmei
- Theme Hospital
- Theme Park
- Theme Park World
- Tilk: Aoi Umi kara kita Shōjo
- Tiny Bullets
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
- TomaRunner!
- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider II
- Tomb Raider III
- Tomb Raider : la Révélation finale
- Tomb Raider : Sur les traces de Lara Croft
- Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You
- Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Pazurudama
- Tokimeki Memorial 2
- Tokimeki Memorial 2 EVS Append Discs
- Tokimeki Memorial 2 Taisen Pazurudama
- Toy Story 2 : Buzz l'Éclair à la rescousse !
- Twisted Metal 2
- U-SA
- UmJammer Lammy
- Urawaza Mahjong: Korette Tenwatte Yatsukai
- Urban Chaos
- Vagrant Story
- Vampire: The Recurrence of the Vampire's Nightmare[3]
- Velldeselba Senki: Tsubasa no Kunshô
- Wai Wai Bowling
- Wai Wai Kart
- Wai Wai Kusayakyū
- Wai Wai Tennis Plus
- Warhawk
- Weltorv Estleia
- Wild Arms
- Wild Arms 2
- Wing Commander IV : Le Prix de la liberté
- WipEout
- Wizard's Harmony
- Wizard's Harmony 2
- Wizard's Harmony R
- Xenogears
- Devil Dice
- XI Jumbo
- The Yakutsū Noroi Game
- Yakiniku Bugyō
- Yakitori Musume: Sugo Ude Hanjōki
- Yaku: Yūjō Dangi
- Yamasa Digi Guide: Faust
- Yamasa Digi Guide: Hyper Rush
- Yamasa Digi Guide: M771
- Yamasa Digi Guide: New Pulsar R
- Yamasa Digi Guide: Umekagetsu
- Yamasa Digi Selection
- YoYo's Puzzle Park
- Zeus II: Carnage Heart Second
- Zipangu Jima: Unmei ha Psycholo ga kimeru !?
- Zoku Mikagura Shoujo Tanteidan: Kanketsuhen
Voir aussi
Notes et références
- ↑ Gamekult.
- ↑ Dossier "PlayStation Store", PlayFrance.
- Seulement jouable sur PSP.
- King's Field II et King's Field III sont respectivement connu sous les titres de King's Field et King's Field II en Occident.
- Disponible dans le pack Langrisser IV and V Final Edition
- Disponible dans le pack The Raiden Project
- Disponible dans le pack R-Types.
- Disponible dans le pack Samurai Spirits: Kenkaku Yubinan Pack.