Liste de jeux Windows (S)
Cette liste de jeux Windows dont le titre commence par la lettre S recense des jeux vidéo sortis sur le système d'exploitation Windows pour PC.
Pour un souci de cohérence, la liste utilise les noms français des jeux, si ce nom existe.
Cette liste est découpée, il est possible de naviguer entre les pages via le sommaire.
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 |
- S.C.A.R.S.
- S.W.I.N.E.
- S4 League
- Saban's Iznogoud
- Sable
- Sabotain : Bafouez les règles
- Saboteur, The
- Sabrina, l'apprentie sorcière
- Sabrina, le dessin animé : L'Aventure magique
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Spellbound
- Sacred
- Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
- Sacred 3
- Sacred Citadel
- Sacrifice
- Safari photo en Afrique
- Safecracker : Expert en cambriolage
- Saga: Rage of the Vikings
- Sail Simulator 4.0
- Sail Simulator 5
- Sail Simulator 2010
- Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul
- Saints Row 2
- Saints Row: The Third
- Saints Row IV
- Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix
- Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
- Saints Row (2022)
- Salammbô
- Salem
- Salt and Sanctuary
- Salt Lake 2002
- Sam and Max Hit the Road
- Sam and Max : Sauvez le monde
- Sam and Max : Au-delà du temps et de l'espace
- Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse
- Sam Pyjam 2 : Héros Météo
- Samorost
- Samorost 2
- Samorost 3
- Samurai II: Vengeance
- Samurai Gunn
- Samurai Riot
- Samurai Shodown II
- Samurai Shodown (2019)
- Samurai Warriors 2
- Samurai Warriors 4
- Samurai Warriors 4-II
- Samurai Warriors 5
- Samurai Warriors: Chronicles
- Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada
- Samuel Sage: The Mystery at Penby Inn
- SanctuaryRPG
- Sanctum
- Sanctum 2
- Sang-froid : Un conte de loups-garous
- Sangokushi Battlefield
- Sangokushi Kōmeiden
- Sangokushi Sōsōden
- Sanitarium
- Sanity: Aiken's Artifact
- Santa Claus in Trouble
- Sapiens
- SAS: Secure Tomorrow
- Satellite Reign
- Satisfactory
- Saturday Morning RPG
- Savage: The Battle for Newerth
- Savage 2: A Tortured Soul
- Savage Skies
- Save Me Mr Tako
- Saw
- Saya no uta
- Sayonara Umihara Kawase
- Sayonara Wild Hearts
- SBK 08: Superbike World Championship
- SBK 09: Superbike World Championship
- SBK X: Superbike World Championship
- SBK 2011: Superbike World Championship
- SBK Generations
- Scan Command: Jurassic Park
- Scania Truck Driving Simulator
- SCAR: Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo
- Scars Above ;
- Scarface: The World Is Yours
- Scarlet Nexus
- Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- Scarygirl
- Scavengers
- Schizm: Mysterious Journey
- Schizm 2: Chameleon
- Schizm III: Nemezis
- School Days
- School Tycoon
- Schoolboy Runaway - Stealth
- Schtroumpfs, Les
- Scooby-Doo! Le Mystère du château hanté
- Scooby-Doo! Panique à Hollywood
- Scooby-Doo! Poursuite dans la ville fantôme
- Scooby-Doo! Le Secret du sphinx
- Scooby-Doo 2 : Les monstres se déchaînent
- Scorched 3D
- Scorcher
- SCORE International Baja 1000
- Scorn
- Scotland Yard
- Scourge: Outbreak
- ScourgeBringer
- SCP: Containment Breach
- SCP: Secret Laboratory
- Scrabble (1996)
- Scrabble (2001)
- Scrabble : Édition 2003
- Scrabble interactif : Édition 2005
- Scrabble interactif : Édition 2007
- Scrabble interactif : Édition 2009
- Scrabble Rack Attack
- Scrabble Scramble!
- Scrap Mechanic
- Scrapland
- Scratches
- Screamer
- Screamer 2
- Screamer 4x4
- Screamer Rally
- Scribblenauts Unlimited
- Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure
- Scud: Industrial Evolution
- Scum
- Sea Dogs
- Sea Life Park Empire
- Sea Life Safari
- Sea of Solitude
- Sea of Thieves
- Sea Power
- Sea Will Claim Everything, The
- Search and Rescue II
- Search and Rescue 3
- Search and Rescue IV
- Search for the Golden Dolphin
- Seasons After Fall
- SeaWorld Adventure Parks Tycoon
- SeaWorld Adventure Parks Tycoon 2
- Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo
- Second Extinction
- Second Life
- Second Sight
- Secret Agent Barbie
- Secret du Nautilus, Le
- Secret Files: Tunguska
- Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
- Secret Files 3
- Secret Files: Sam Peters
- Secret Maryo Chronicles
- Secrets of Atlantis, The : L'Héritage sacré
- Secrets of Da Vinci, The : Le Manuscrit interdit
- Secret of Mana HD
- Secret of Monkey Island, The
- Secret Ponchos
- Secret Service: In Harm's Way
- Secret Service: Security Breach
- Secret Weapons Over Normandy
- Secret World, The
- Secrets d'Alamût, Les
- Secrets of Rætikon
- Secrets of the Luxor
- Section 8
- Section 8: Prejudice
- Sega Bass Fishing
- Sega Extreme Sports
- Sega GT
- Sega Marine Fishing
- Sega Mega Drive Classics
- Sega Rally 2
- Sega Rally Championship
- Sega Rally (2007)
- Sega Touring Car Championship
- Sega Worldwide Soccer PC
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : L'Âge des conquêtes
- Le Seigneur des anneaux : La Bataille pour la Terre du Milieu
- Le Seigneur des anneaux : La Bataille pour la Terre du Milieu II
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : La Communauté de l'anneau
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : Gollum
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : La Guerre de l'anneau
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : La Guerre du Nord
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : Jeu de cartes évolutif
- Seigneur des anneaux, Le : Le Retour du roi
- Seigneur des anneaux Online, Le : Les Ombres d'Angmar
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
- Selene ~Apoptosis~ Supporter Pack
- Semblance
- Semper Fi
- Sengoku: Anthology
- Sengoku (2011)
- Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
- Sensible Golf
- Sensible Soccer '98
- Sensible Soccer 2006
- Sensible World of Soccer
- Sentient
- Sentinel : Dans l'antre de la dormeuse
- Sentinel Returns
- Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
- Septerra Core
- Sequence, The
- Serena
- Serial Cleaner
- Serious Sam : Premier Contact
- Serious Sam : Second Contact
- Serious Sam II
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Serious Sam 4
- Serious Sam: Double D
- Serious Sam Double D XXL
- Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
- Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope
- Serious Sam's Bogus Detour
- Sesame Street: Cookie's Counting Carnival
- Sesame Street: Elmo's A-to-Zoo Adventure
- Session
- Settlers II, The: 10th Anniversary
- Settlers II, The: 10th Anniversary - Vikings
- Settlers III, The
- Settlers III, The: Quest of the Amazons, The
- Settlers III, The: Quest of the Amazons, The
- Settlers IV, The
- Settlers, The : L'Héritage des Rois
- Settlers, The : L'Héritage des Rois - Expansion Disc
- Settlers , The : L'Héritage des Rois - Legends Expansion Disc
- Settlers, The : Bâtisseurs d'empire
- Settlers, The : Bâtisseurs d'empire - Le Royaume de l'Est
- Settlers 7, The : À l'aube d'un nouveau royaume
- Settlers, The: New Allies (2023)
- Seven Kingdoms
- Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars
- Seven Kingdoms: Conquest
- Seven: The Days Long Gone
- Severance: Blade of Darkness
- Sexfriend
- Sexy Brutale, The
- Shade: Wrath of Angels
- Shadow Complex
- Shadow Dancer
- Shadow Fight Arena
- Shadow Fight 2
- Shadow Force: Razor Unit
- Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops
- Shadow Man
- Shadow Master
- Shadow of Memories
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
- Shadow Vault
- Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)
- Shadow Warrior (2013)
- Shadow Warrior 2
- Shadow Warrior 3
- Shadow Watch
- Shadowbane
- Shadowbane: The Rise of Chaos
- Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion
- Shadowgate
- Shadowgrounds
- Shadowgrounds Survivor
- Shadowrun (2007)
- Shadowrun Returns
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall
- Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong
- Shadowverse
- Shadwen
- Shady Part of Me
- Shaiya
- Shannara
- Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye
- Shanghai: Dynasty
- Shanghai: Great Moments
- Shanghai: Second Dynasty
- Shank
- Shank 2
- Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
- Shantae and the Seven Sirens
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
- Shantae: Risky's Revenge
- Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn
- Shardlight
- Sharp Shooter
- Shatter
- Shattered Galaxy
- Shattered Horizon
- Shattered Steel
- Shattered Union
- Shattering, The
- Shaun White Skateboarding
- Shaun White Snowboarding
- Sheep
- Shellshock: Nam '67
- Shellshock 2: Blood Trails
- Shelter
- Shelter 2
- Shelter 3
- Sheltered
- Shenmue HD
- Shenmue II HD
- Shenmue III
- Shenzhen I/O
- Shephy
- Sherlock Holmes : La Boucle d'argent
- Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One
- Sherlock Holmes : Crimes et Châtiments
- Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
- Sherlock Holmes : Le Mystère de la momie
- Sherlock Holmes : Le Mystère du tapis persan
- Sherlock Holmes contre Arsène Lupin
- Sherlock Holmes contre Jack l'Éventreur
- Shérif, fais moi peur
- Shield, The
- Shift 2: Unleashed
- Shikigami no Shiro
- Shin Megami Tensei if...
- Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
- Shiness
- Shining Force
- Shining Force II
- Shining Lore
- Shining Resonance Refrain
- Shining Tears Material Collection
- Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica
- Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
- Ship Simulator
- Ship Simulator: Add-on
- Ship Simulator 2008
- Ship Simulator 2008: New Horizons
- Ship Simulator Extremes
- Ship Simulator: Maritime Search and Rescue
- Ship, The: Murder Party
- Shivah, The
- Shivers
- Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls
- Shizuku
- Shock Troopers
- Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
- Shockwave Assault
- Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
- Shogun: Total War
- Shoot Many Robots
- Shoot the Bullet
- ShootMania Storm
- Shopping Centre Tycoon
- Shore, The
- Shot Online
- Shovel Knight
- Showdown Effect, The
- Shredder 6
- Shredder 7
- Shredder 8
- Shredder 9
- Shrek: Game Land Activity Center
- Shrek: Super Slam
- Shrek 2
- Shrek 2 : Équipe de choc
- Shrek le troisième
- Shrek 4 : Il était une fin
- Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues
- Shuffle!
- Shuffle! Love Rainbow
- Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
- Sid Meier's Antietam!
- Sid Meier's Gettysburg!
- Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004)
- Sid Meier's Railroads!
- Sid Meier's SimGolf
- Sid Meier's Starships
- Siege of Avalon
- Sierra Pro Pilot
- Sierra Sports NFL Football Pro '99
- Sifu
- Sigma Theory: Global Cold War
- Silence
- Silence of the Sleep
- Silent Age, The
- Silent Heroes
- Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut
- Silent Hill 3
- Silent Hill 4: The Room
- Silent Hill: Homecoming
- Silent Hunter II
- Silent Hunter III
- Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific
- Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic
- Silent Steel
- Silent Storm
- Silent Storm: Sentinels
- Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer II
- Silkroad Online
- Silver
- Silver Case, The
- Silverfall
- Silverfall: Earth Awakening
- SimAnt
- SimCity (1989)
- SimCity 2000
- SimCity 3000
- SimCity 4
- SimCity Sociétés
- SimCity (2013)
- SimCopter
- SimEarth: The Living Planet
- SimFarm
- SimGolf
- SimIsle
- SimLife
- SimPark
- SimRefinery
- SimSafari
- SimTower
- SimTown
- SimTunes
- Sims, Les
- Sims 2, Les
- Sims 2, Les : Naufragés
- Sims 3, Les
- Sims 4, Les
- Sims 4, Les : Au travail
- Sims 4, Les : Vivre ensemble
- Sims 4, Les : Vie citadine
- Sims 4, Les : Chiens et Chats
- Sims 4, Les : Saisons
- Sims 4, Les : Destination Nature
- Sims 4, Les : Détente au spa
- Sims 4, Les : Au restaurant
- Sims 4, Les : Vampires
- Sims 4, Les : Être parents
- Sims 4, Les : Dans la jungle
- Sims 4, Les : Heure de gloire
- Sims 4, Les : StrangerVille
- Sims 4, Les : Îles paradisiaques
- Sims 4, Les : Monde magique
- Sims 4, Les : À la fac
- Sims, Les : Histoire d'animaux
- Sims, Les : Histoires de naufragés
- Sims, Les : Histoire de vie
- Sims Medieval, Les
- Sims Online, Les
- Simon the Sorcerer
- Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe
- Simon the Sorcerer 3D
- Simon le sorcier 4 : En proie au chaos
- Simon the Sorcerer: Who'd Even Want Contact?!
- Simpsons Cartoon Studio, The
- Simpsons, The: Hit and Run
- Sin
- Sin Mission Pack: Wages of Sin
- Sin Episodes
- Sine Mora
- Sinbad : La Légende des sept mers
- Singles: Flirt Up Your Life
- Singles 2 : Trio d'enfer !
- Singularity
- Sinistar: Unleashed
- Sinking City, The
- Sins of a Solar Empire
- Sir, You Are Being Hunted
- SisterFight
- Six-Guns
- Skatebird
- Skateboard Park Tycoon
- Skater XL
- Skelattack
- Ski Park Manager
- Ski Park Manager 2003
- SkiFree
- Ski Racing 2005
- Ski Racing 2006
- Ski Region Simulator
- Ski Resort Extreme
- Ski Resort Tycoon
- Ski Resort Tycoon II
- Ski-Doo: X-Team Racing
- Skout
- Skullgirls
- Skull and Bones
- Skull Island: Rise of Kong
- Skulls of the Shogun
- Sky Force Anniversary
- Sky Force Reloaded
- Skydive!
- Skydive: Proximity Flight
- SkyDrift
- Skyforge
- Skyhill
- Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
- SkySaga: Infinite Isles
- Skyshine's Bedlam
- Slage
- Slain: Back from Hell
- Slave Zero
- Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress
- Slay the Spire
- Slayers Online
- Sleeping Dogs
- Slender: The Arrival
- Slender: The Eight Pages
- Slime Rancher
- Slow Down, Bull
- Small Soldiers: Squad Commander
- Smash Up Derby
- Smite
- Smoke and Sacrifice
- Smokin' Guns
- Snake Pass
- Snapshot
- Sneaky Sneaky
- Sniper Elite
- Sniper Elite V2
- Sniper Elite III
- Sniper Elite 4
- Sniper Fury
- Sniper: Art of Victory
- Ghost Warrior
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2
- Sniper: Path of Vengeance
- Snood
- Snoopy vs. the Red Baron
- Snow (2003)
- Snow (2016)
- SnowCross
- Snowboard Racer
- Snowboard Racer 2
- SnowRunner
- Snuggle Truck
- So Blonde
- SODA Off-Road Racing
- Software Inc.
- Sol Survivor
- SOL: Exodus
- Solar Ash
- Solar 2
- Solar Crusade
- SolarWolf
- Soldat
- Soldats inconnus : Mémoires de la Grande Guerre
- Soldier of Fortune
- Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
- Soldier of Fortune: Payback
- Soldiers at War
- Soldiers of Anarchy
- Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
- Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer
- Söldner: Secret Wars
- Solitaire
- Solitaire's Journey
- Solitairica
- SolSeraph
- Solstice Arena
- Solus Project, The
- Somme de toutes les peurs, La
- Song of Horror
- Song of the Deep
- Songs of Conquest
- Sonic and Knuckles
- Sonic 3D Blast
- Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing
- Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
- Sonic CD
- Sonic Dash
- Sonic Forces
- Sonic Generations
- Sonic Heroes
- Sonic Lost World
- Sonic Mania
- Sonic R
- Sonic Riders
- Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2
- Sonic's Schoolhouse
- Sonic: After the Sequel (non officiel)
- Sonic Dreams Collection (non officiel)
- Sono hanabira ni kuchizuke o
- Sonzai
- Sorcerian Forever
- Sorcery!
- Sorry!
- Sortilèges : Rage of Mages II
- SOS 2000
- SOS Animaux : Mission en Afrique
- SOS Fantômes, le jeu vidéo
- Soul Axiom
- Soul Link
- Soul of the Ultimate Nation
- Soulbringer
- SourceForts
- South Park
- South Park: Chef's Luv Shack
- South Park Rally
- South Park : Le Bâton de la vérité
- South Park : L'Annale du destin
- Space Bucks
- Space Channel 5: Part 2
- Space Colony
- Space Empires
- Space Empires II
- Space Empires III
- Space Empires IV
- Space Empires V
- Space Empires: Starfury
- Space Engineers
- Space Giraffe
- Space Hack
- Space Haven
- Space Hulk (2013)
- Space Hulk: Deathwing
- Space Hulk: Tactics
- Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels
- Space Invaders Anniversary
- Space Invaders Extreme
- Space Junkies
- Space Pirates and Zombies
- Space Pirates and Zombies 2
- Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter
- Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge
- Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon
- Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
- Space Quest V : La Mutation suivante
- Space Quest VI: The Spinal Frontier
- Space Rangers
- Space Rangers 2
- Space Run
- Space Run Galaxy
- Space Siege
- Spacebase DF-9
- SpaceChem
- Spaceforce: Rogue Universe
- Spaceforce: Captains
- Spaceward Ho!
- Spanking Runners
- Sparc
- Spartan
- Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way
- Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo
- Spec Ops II: Green Berets
- Spec Ops: The Line
- Specnaz: Project Wolf
- Speed Busters
- Speed Challenge: Jacques Villeneuve's Racing Vision
- Speed Demons
- Speed Limit
- Speedball 2: Tournament
- SpeedRunners
- Speedster
- Spellbreak
- Spellbinder: Nexus Conflict
- Spellbreak: Avatar
- Spellcross
- SpellForce: The Order of Dawn
- SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
- SpellForce 3
- Spellweaver
- Spells of Gold
- Sphere
- Sphinx et la Malédiction de la momie
- Spelunker Party!
- Spelunky
- Spelunky 2
- Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon
- Spider Solitaire
- Spider-Man (2000)
- Spider-Man (2002)
- Spider-Man 2
- Spider-Man 3
- Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety
- Spider-Man : Allié ou Ennemi
- Spider-Man : Dimensions
- Spider-Man : Le Règne des ombres
- Spintires
- Spiral Knights
- Spirit of Speed 1937
- Spiritfarer
- Spirou
- Splasher
- Splat Renegade Paintball
- Splatterhouse
- Splice
- Split/Second Velocity
- Spore
- Sports Car GT
- Sportsfriends
- SPQR: The Empire's Darkest Hour
- Spring
- Sprint Cars: The Road to Knoxville
- Spy Fox 2 : Opération Robot-expo
- Spy Fox 3 : Opération SOS Planète
- Spy Hunter (2001)
- Spy Muppets: License to Croak
- Spycraft: The Great Game
- SpyParty
- Spyro Reignited Trilogy
- Squad
- Squad Leader
- Squadron 42
- Squids
- SRS: Street Racing Syndicate
- Stacking
- Stalin Subway, The
- Stalin Subway, The : Red Veil
- Stalin vs. Martians
- Stalingrad
- STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
- STALKER: Clear Sky
- STALKER: Call of Pripyat
- Stanley Parable, The
- Star Academy
- Star Academy : Le Nouveau Défi
- Star Assault
- Star Citizen
- Star Command: Revolution
- Star Control: Origins
- Star General
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope
- Star Raiders
- Star Renegades
- Star Ruler
- Star Ruler 2
- Star Stable Online
- Star Trek
- Star Trek : Le Mal caché
- Star Trek Generations
- Star Trek Online
- Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
- Star Trek: Armada
- Star Trek: Armada II
- Star Trek: Away Team
- Star Trek: Borg
- Star Trek: Bridge Commander
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew
- Star Trek: ConQuest Online
- Star Trek: D·A·C
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen
- Star Trek: Elite Force II
- Star Trek: Klingon
- Star Trek: Klingon Academy
- Star Trek: Legacy
- Star Trek: New Worlds
- Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command II - Empires at War
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command III
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - Birth of the Federation
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard
- Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force
- Star Wars Galaxies
- Star Wars : Le Pouvoir de la Force - Ultimate Sith Edition
- Star Wars : Le Pouvoir de la Force II
- Star Wars, épisode I : La Menace fantôme
- Star Wars, épisode I : Le Nouveau Monde Gungan
- Star Wars Episode I: Racer
- Star Wars: Battle for Naboo
- Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)
- Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)
- Star Wars Chess
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Les Héros de la République
- Star Wars: Commander
- Star Wars: Dark Forces
- Star Wars: Droid Works
- Star Wars: Empire at War
- Star Wars: Force Commander
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Star Wars: Pit Droids
- Star Wars: Rebellion
- Star Wars: Republic Commando
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
- Star Wars: Squadrons
- Star Wars: Starfighter
- Star Wars: Tiny Death Star
- Star Wars: X-Wing
- Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
- Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
- Star Wars: Yoda Stories
- Star Wolves : Corsaires de l'espace
- Star Wolves 2
- Starbase'
- Starbound
- StarCraft
- StarCraft: Remastered
- StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty
- Stardew Valley
- StarDrive
- Starfield
- Stargate Resistance
- Stargunner
- Starlancer
- Starlink: Battle for Atlas
- StarMade
- Starmageddon
- StarPeace
- Starpoint Gemini
- Starpoint Gemini 2
- Starpoint Gemini Warlords
- Starry Sky
- Stars!
- Stars Beyond Reach
- Stars in Shadow
- Starshatter
- Starshatter : The Gathering Storm
- Starship Titanic
- Starship Troopers
- Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy
- Starshot : Panique au Space Circus
- Starsiege
- Starsiege: Tribes
- Starsky et Hutch
- Startopia
- Start-Up
- Starwhal
- Stash: No Loot Left Behind
- Stasis
- State of Decay
- State of Decay 2
- State of Decay 3
- State of Emergency
- State of Mind
- Station, The
- Static Speaks My Name, The
- Statuette maudite de l'oncle Ernest, La
- Stay Tooned!
- Stealth Combat: Ultimate War
- STCC: The Game
- Stealth Bastard
- Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
- SteamWorld Dig
- SteamWorld Dig 2
- SteamWorld Heist
- Steel Beasts
- Steel Division: Normandy 44
- Steel Division II
- Steel Effigy
- Steel Empire
- Steel Panthers
- Steel Panthers II
- Steel Panthers III
- Steel Panthers: World at War
- Steel Rats
- Steel Saviour
- Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
- Steep
- Steins;Gate
- Steins;Gate 0
- Steins;Gate Elite
- Stellar Overload
- Stellaris
- Stephen King's F13
- Stephen's Sausage Roll
- StepMania
- Steredenn
- Stick It to the Man!
- Still Life
- Still Life 2
- Still There
- Sting!, The
- Stoked: Big Air Edition
- Stolen
- Stonekeep
- Stories Untold
- Storyteller
- Storm: Frontline Nation
- Stormland
- Stormrise
- Strafe
- Stranded Deep
- Strange Adventures in Infinite Space
- Strange Brigade
- Stranger
- Stranger of Sword City
- Stranger Things 3: The Game
- Stranglehold
- Strategic Command: European Theater
- Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg
- Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict
- Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater
- Stratego (1998)
- Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies
- Stray
- Strawberry Shortcake: Amazing Cookie Party
- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
- Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
- Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Street Fighter IV
- Street Fighter V
- Street Fighter X Mega Man
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Street Gears
- Street Legal
- Street Legal Racing: Redline
- Street Skater 2
- Streets of Kamurocho
- Streets of Rage 4
- Streets of Rogue
- Streets of SimCity
- Strider (2014)
- Strife (2015)
- Strike Fighters: Project 1
- Strike Suit Zero
- Strike Vector
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
- Stronghold (2001)
- Stronghold 2
- Stronghold 3
- Stronghold: Crusader
- Stronghold: Crusader Extreme
- Stronghold Crusader 2
- Stronghold Kingdoms
- Stronghold Legends
- Stronghold Warlords
- Struggling
- Stuart Little 2
- Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
- Stunt Car Racer
- Stunt GP
- Stunt Rally
- Stupid Invaders
- Styx: Master of Shadows
- Styx: Shards of Darkness
- Su-27 Flanker (jeu vidéo)
- Sub Command
- Sub Culture
- Submarine Titans
- Subnautica
- SubSpace
- Subterranean Animism
- Subverse
- Subwar 2050
- Sucker for Love: Date to Die For
- Sudden Strike
- Sudden Strike 2
- Sudden Strike 2: Hidden Stroke
- Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory
- Sudden Strike 4
- Sudeki
- Suffering, The
- Suffering, The : Les liens qui nous unissent
- Suicide of Rachel Foster, The
- Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
- Suikoden
- Suikoden II
- Suki na mono wa suki dakara shōganai!! First Limit
- Suki na mono wa suki dakara shōganai!! Rain
- Suki na mono wa suki dakara shōganai!! Target Nights
- Suki na mono wa suki dakara shōganai!! White Flower
- Summoner
- SunAge
- Sundered
- Sunless Sea
- Sunset
- Super 3D Noah's Ark
- Super Amazing Wagon Adventure
- Super Bubble Pop
- Super Bubsy
- Super Bust-a-Move
- Super Columbine Massacre RPG!
- Super Crate Box
- Super Hexagon
- Super Match Soccer
- Super Meat Boy
- Super Meat Boy Forever
- Super Mega Baseball
- Super Monday Night Combat
- Super Neptunia RPG
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
- Super Sonico
- Super Splatters
- Super Star Soldier
- Super Street Fighter IV
- Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
- Super Time Force
- Super-Bikes Riding Challenge
- Supercar Street Challenge
- Superhot
- Superhot VR
- Superhot: Mind Control Delete
- Supers Nanas, Les : Libérez Townsville
- Superbike 2000
- Superbike 2001
- Superbike World Championship
- Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP
- Supercar Street Challenge
- Superliminal
- Supermarket Mania
- Supermarket Mania 2
- SuperPower
- SuperPower 2
- Superstars V8 Next Challenge
- Superstars V8 Racing
- SuperTux
- SuperTuxKart
- Supremacy: Four Paths to Power
- Supreme Commander
- Supreme Commander 2
- Supreme Ruler: Cold War
- Supreme Ruler 1936
- Supreme Ruler 2010
- Supreme Ruler 2020
- Supreme Snowboarding
- Supreme Warrior
- Sur les traces du Baron Rouge
- Surf World Series
- Surge, The
- Surge 2, The
- Surgeon Simulator 2013
- Surgeon Simulator 2
- Survarium
- Survival Crisis Z
- Survivalcraft
- Surviving Mars
- SvenCoop
- Swapper, The
- Swarm
- SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle
- SWAT 4
- Sweet Pool
- Swindle, The
- Swing
- Switchball
- Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
- Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
- Sword Art Online: Lost Song
- Sword Coast Legends
- Sword of Fargoal
- Sword of the Stars
- Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter
- Sword of the Stars: The Pit
- Swords of Ditto, The
- Swords and Soldiers
- Swords of Ditto, The
- Syberia
- Syberia II
- Syberia III
- Syberia: The World Before
- Sydney 2000
- Symbiocom
- Symétrie (IMGN.PRO)
- Syndicate (2012)
- Syndicate Wars
- Symphonia
- Syobon Action
- System Shock (1994)
- System Shock (2021)
- System Shock 2
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