Voici une liste des représentations diplomatiques de la Barbade. En tant qu'État membre du Commonwealth des Nations, les missions diplomatiques barbadiennes dans les capitales des autres états membres du Commonwealth sont appelées hauts-commissariats au lieu d'ambassades.
En février 2020, les deux chefs de gouvernement de la Barbade et de Trinité-et-Tobago paraphent plusieurs accords, dont un qui prévoit le partage de diverses ressources de chancellerie diplomatique à travers le monde[1],[2].
↑Marlon Madden, « Rowley: Barbados and TnT to open joint embassies », Barbados Today newspaper, Bridgetown, (lire en ligne, consulté le ) :
« Bridgetown and Port of Spain have agreed to share diplomatic missions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The announcement was made on Monday by Prime Minister Mia Mottley and her Trinidadian counterpart Dr Keith Rowley ahead of the CARICOM mid-term summit which began here today. The Trinidadian prime minister said both countries agreed after exploring ways of effectively cooperating “in every possible area”. Dr Rowley announced: “Our discussions have taken us to a place of agreement where Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados have agreed to share some of our missions abroad. »
↑Sean Douglas, « TT, B'dos to share embassies », Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, Port of Spain, Trinidad, (lire en ligne, consulté le ) :
« The Prime Minister said TT and Barbados will share some of their diplomatic missions, speaking at the signing of an energy treaty with Bajan Prime Minister Mia Mottley on Monday in Barbados. Mottley said hard times mean both nations must seek efficiency by collaborating in as many areas as possible. Rowley said both nations are stronger together and will to cooperate in every possible area, such as sharing some missions. “TT has a mission in Nigeria. Barbados is about to operationalise its mission in Ghana, where TT has significant interests. We also have interests in energy, commerce, culture and diplomacy. Where we have missions in that part of the world, TT and Barbados will enter into an MOU (to) share a mission a country. “Each country will have a larger number of footprints. Where TT is present in Nigeria and Barbados is not, we operationalise that mission as a TT and Barbados mission. Where Ghana has a Barbados mission, it will be operationalised as a TT and Barbados mission.” He said in Nigeria, a Bajan will serve under the TT high commissioner, and in Ghana a TT official will be second to the Bajan high commissioner. »
↑ ab et c« Barbados opening diplomatic missions in Ghana, Kenya & UAE », Loop Caribbean News, (lire en ligne, consulté le )