Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général 1985

Liste des Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général pour 1985, chacun suivi des finalistes.



  • Fred Wah, Waiting for Saskatchewan
  • Lorna Crozier, The Garden Going on Without Us
  • Richard Lush, A Manual for Lying Down
  • Anne Szumigalski, Instar
  • George F. Walker, Criminals in Love
  • David French, Salt-water Moon
  • Margaret Hollingsworth, War Babies (in Willful Acts: Five Plays)
  • Ken Mitchell, Gone the Burning Sun
  • Ramsay Cook, The Regenerators: Social Criticism in Late Victorian English Canada
  • Michael D. Behiels, Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution: Liberalism versus Neo-nationalism
  • John Herd Thompson, Canada 1922-1939: Decades of Discord
  • P.B. Waite, The Man from Halifax: Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister