Joel Hayward

Joel Hayward
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Joel Hayward
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Membre de

Joel Hayward, né le est un historien et essayiste néo-zélandais né à Christchurch.


Travaux d'étude

  • (1993). The Fate of Jews in German Hands: An Historical Enquiry into the Development and Significance of Holocaust Revisionism. Thesis (M.A.). University of Canterbury, 1993.
  • (1996). Seeking the Philosopher's Stone: Luftwaffe Operations during Hitler's Drive to the East, 1942–1943. Ph.D. thesis. University of Canterbury, 1996.

Sélection d'articles

This is a selected bibliography of peer-reviewed articles.


  • (2000). Adolf Hitler and Joint Warfare. Military Studies Institute Working Papers Series No. 2/2000. Military Studies Institute, New Zealand Defence Force. (44 pp.)



  • (1998). Stopped at Stalingrad: The Luftwaffe and Hitler’s Defeat in the East 1942-1943. Modern War Studies series. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. (ISBN 0700611460).
  • (2000). (edited). A Joint Future? The Move to Jointness and its Implications for the New Zealand Defence Force. Massey University, Centre for Defence Studies.
  • (2003). For God and Glory: Lord Nelson and His Way of War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press. (ISBN 1591143519).
  • (2003). (edited with Glyn Harper). Born to Lead? Portraits of New Zealand Commanders. Auckland: Exisle Publishing. (ISBN 0908988338).
  • (2006). Stalingrad. Pen & Sword Battleground series. London: Millennium. (ISBN 1844154742).
  • (2009). (edited). Air Power, Insurgency and the “War on Terror”. Royal Air Force Centre for Air Power Studies. (ISBN 978-0-9552189-6-5).
  • (2012). Warfare in The Qur’an. English Monograph Series — Book No. 14. Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan. (ISBN 978-9957-428-50-1).
En cours de publication

Fiction et poésie

Parties de livres

  • (2008). The Luftwaffe’s Agility: An assessment of Relevant Concepts and Practices in Neville Parton, editor, Air Power: The Agile Air Force. Royal Air Force. HMSO. (ISBN 0-9552189-1-8).
  • (2009). Air Power: The Quest to remove Battle from War in John Buckley and George Kassimeris, editors, The Ashgate Companion to Modern Warfare. London: Ashgate, 2009. (ISBN 9780754674108).

Conférences et présentations

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