The Cappatalize Project

The Cappatalize Project

Album de Cappadonna
Durée 46:00
Genre Rap East Coast, rap hardcore
Producteur Big Zick, Spinzilla, Solo, Sosa, Q-Dini, Fontane, Danjah Mentals, Sparx, B-Rock
Label Cappadonna Records

Albums de Cappadonna

The Cappatalize Project est le quatrième album studio de Cappadonna, sorti le .

Liste des titres

NoTitreContient un (des) sample(s) de[1]Durée
1.Cap's Back Again4:07
2.The Anointing1:43
3.Don't Turn Around (featuring Q-Dini)Don't Turn Around de Black Ivory3:57
4.Peace God (featuring Born Divine)1:14
5.Get Paper (featuring Lounge Lo)2:45
6.If You Don't Stop (featuring Born Divine)3:17
7.One Night Love Affair3:08
8.Growth and Development (featuring Hugh Hef et Lahluga)3:40
10.Gotta Find a Way (featuring Born Divine et Mpm)2:41
11.Wanted (featuring KMC)2:50
12.Goon Skwad4:26
13.Tug Dat RopeBeware of the Man (With the Candy in His Hand) des Dramatics2:13
14.My Gang (featuring Born Divine et Better Lifers)3:46
15.Holdin' (featuring Lounge Lo)2:40

Notes et références

  1. (en) « Tracks sampled by Cappadonna », Who Sampled (consulté le )