I Wish Tonight Would Never End

I Wish Tonight Would Never End

Album de George Jones
Sortie 1963
Genre Country
Label United Artists Records

Albums de George Jones

I Wish Tonight Would Never End est un album de l'artiste américain de musique country George Jones. Cet album est sorti en 1963 sur le label United Artists Records.

Liste des pistes

1.Lonesome Life
2.Old, Old House
3.I Saw Me
4.Every Time I Look at You
5.I Wish Tonight Would Never End
6.Flame in My Heart
7.Ain't It Funny What a Fool Will Do
8.There's No Justice
9.We Must Have Been Out of Our Minds (avec Melba Montgomery)
10.I Can't Change Over Night
11.In the Shadow of a Lie
12.Seasons of My Heart