A Storm of Light

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A Storm of Light est un groupe de musique américain formé à New York par Josh Graham, auteur de visuels et de clips pour Neurosis ainsi que guitariste de A Battle of Mice, Blood and Time et Red Sparowes.
Le groupe a joué à plusieurs occasions en première partie de Neurosis en 2007 et 2008.
Membres actuels
- Josh Graham - voix, guitare, claviers (A Battle of Mice, Blood and Time, Red Sparowes)
- Domenic Seita - voix, basse (Asea, Speedloader)
- Billy Graves – batterie, percussions
Ancien membres
- Pete Angevice – batterie, perscussions
- Pete Angevine - batterie, percussions (Satanized)
- Vinny Signorelli - batterie, percussions (Unsane, Swans)
2008 : And We Kept The Black Ocean Within
- Adrift (the albatross I)
- Vast and Endless
- Black Ocean
- Thunderhead
- Undertow (the albatross II)
- Mass
- Leaden Tide
- Breach (the albatross III)
- Descent
- Iron Heart
2009 : Forgive Us Our Trespasses
- Alpha (Law Of Nature Pt.1)
- Amber Waves Of Gray
- Tempest
- The Light In Their Eyes
- Trouble Is Near
- Arc Of Failure (Law Of Nature Pt.2)
- Mindnight
- Across The Wilderness
- Time Our Saviour (Law Of Nature Pt.3)
- Omega
2011 : As the Valley of Death Becomes Us, Our Silver Memories Fade
- Missing
- Collapse
- Black Wolves
- Destroyer
- Wretched Valley
- Silver
- Leave No Wounds
- Death’s Head
- Wasteland
2013 : Nations to Flames
- Fall
- Apostles of Hatred
- The Fire Sermon
- Omen
- Dead Flags
- All the Shining Lies
- Disintegrate
- Lifeless
- Soothsayer
- You Are the Hunted
- The Year Is One"
2018 : Anthroscene
- Prime Time
- Blackout
- Short Them To Feedback
- Life Will Be Violent
- Slow Motion Apocalypse
- Dim
- Laser Fire Forget
- Rosebud