Peter Lipman

Peter Lipman
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Peter « Pete » W. Lipman est un géologue et volcanologue américain de l'United States Geological Survey (USGS).

En 2004, il a reçu le Distinguished Service Award de la Geological Society of America[1].


  • (en) Geology of the southeastern Trinity Alps, northern California, School of Mineral Sciences, 1962.
  • (en) (avec Norman G. Banks), Mauna Loa southwest rift zone, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, 1979.
  • (en) Dynamics of the Continental Crust. Suggestions for U.S. Geological Survey research in the 1980's, U.S. Geological Survey, 1979.
  • (en) Peter W. Lipman et Donal R. Mullineaux, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington, vol. 1250, United States Geological Survey (lire en ligne), Dedication, David A. Johnston, 1949–1980
  • (en) (avec David A. Sawyer), Preliminary geology of the San Luis Peak quadrangle and adjacent areas, San Juan volcanic field, southwestern Colorado, U.S. GeologicaL Survey, 1988.
  • (en) (avec Charles Edward Chapin), Cenozoic volcanism in the western United States, American Geophysical Union, 1989.
  • (en) (avec Douglas R. Yager, David A. Sawyer), Caldera-related lava flows and intrusions of the south-central San Juan Mountains, Colorado, U.S. Geological Survey, 1991.
  • (en) (avec Allen F. Glazner), Mid-tertiary cordilleran magmatism, American Geophysical Union, 1991.
  • (en) (avec B. C. Burchfiel) The Cordilleran orogen, Geological Society of America, 1992.

Notes et références

  1. (en) « 2004 GSA Distinguished Service Award », Geological Society of America (consulté le )