Miss Univers 1986, 35e édition du concours de Miss Univers a lieu le , au ATLAPA Convention Center, à Panama City, Panama.
Bárbara Palacios, Miss Venezuela, âgée de 22 ans, remporte le prix.
Classement final
Miss Univers 1986
1st runner-up
2nd runner-up
3rd runner-up
4th runner-up
Top 10
- Brésil - Deise Nunes de Souza
Zaïre - Aimée Likobe Dobala
Suisse - Eveline Nicole Glanzmann
- Chili - Mariana Villasante Aravena
Porto Rico - Elizabeth Robison Latalladi
Scores de la demi-finale
Prix spéciaux
Best National Costume
- Panama - Gilda García López
- Brésil - Deise Nunes de Souza
- Chili - Mariana Villasante Aravena
Miss Congeniality
Guam - Dina Reyes Salas
Miss Photogenic
Ordre d'annonce des finalistes
Bande son
Scores du défilé en maillots de bain
- 8.870 USA
- 8.380 Venezuela
- 8.260 Finland
- 8.260 Holland
- 8.210 Zaire
- 8.140 Italy
- 8.140 Poland
- 8.110 Norway
- 8.110 Réunion
- 8.110 Spain
- 8.100 India
- 8.000 England
- 7.960 Brazil
- 7.960 Chile
- 7.870 Switzerland
- 7.850 Greece
- 7.780 Paraguay
- 7.740 Iceland
- 7.700 Malaysia
- 7.680 Portugal
- 7.660 Uruguay
- 7.650 Germany
- 7.650 Puerto Rico
- 7.610 Israel
- 7.600 Scotland
- 7.560 Guatemala
- 7.540 Colombia
- 7.530 New Zealand
- 7.520 Mexico
- 7.480 Trinidad & Tobago
- 7.440 Lebanon
- 7.420 Curaçao
- 7.420 Denmark
- 7.400 Hong Kong
- 7.390 Wales
- 7.360 France
- 7.360 Japan
- 7.350 Sweden
- 7.320 US Virgin Islands
- 7.310 Gambia
- 7.280 Bahamas
- 7.260 Côte d'Ivoire
- 7.260 Peru
- 7.240 Ireland
- 7.230 Panama
- 7.220 Korea
- 7.180 Austria
- 7.120 Sri Lanka
- 7.060 Australia
- 7.050 Belgium
- 7.040 Singapore
- 7.010 Canada
- 6.960 Gibraltar
- 6.940 Luxembourg
- 6.890 Argentina
- 6.890 Costa Rica
- 6.890 Honduras
- 6.860 Philippines
- 6.810 Jamaica
- 6.800 Dominican Republic
- 6.800 Guam
- 6.751 Cyprus
- 6.750 Ecuador
- 6.730 Turkey
- 6.720 Western Samoa
- 6.710 Malta
- 6.690 Cook Islands
- 6.690 Thailand
- 6.670 Barbados
- 6.650 Northern Mariana Islands
- 6.590 Bolivia
- 6.550 Papua New Guinea
- 6.530 El Salvador
- 6.400 Belize
- 6.330 Turks & Caicos Islands
- 6.180 Aruba
- 5.970 British Virgin Islands
Miss World
- Miss World 1979: U.S. Virgin Islands
- Miss World 1985: Gibraltar, Switzerland (6th Runner Up) and Turks & Caicos
- Miss World 1986: Barbados, Belgium, France, Gambia and Luxembourg
Miss International
- Miss International 1985: Ireland
- Miss International 1986: Australia, Austria, Côte d'Ivoire, Holland (semi-finalist) and Puerto Rico (semi-finalist)
Notes sur le classement des pays
Diffusion internationale
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